Mendelova střední škola Nový Jičín, příspěvková organizace (MSŠ) – – is a secondary vocational school providing education in branches focused on ICT, business and economy, public administration and health and social care. MSŠ belongs to the most prominent schools in the county of Moravskoslezský region with almost 700 pupils and 84 teachers.
This is the website of the school
Where is Mendelova SŠ High School?
Mendelova SŠ High School is located in Nový Jičín in the Moravskoslezský region east of Czech Republic. Click here or in the image to travel there.
The economic educational branches emphasize the close link between theoretical education and its reflection into the real business environment (supporting processes for enterpreneuship, online marketing, accounting, etc.).
MSŠ applies elaborate strategy towards quality control in the vocational education using the following measures:
- Create a system of reasonable changes of curricula encouraged by representatives of employees in local companies so the education brings maximal benefit to students and increases their chances on the labor market
- Increasing employment chances of our graduates via cooperation with Employment office.
International cooperation.
MSŠ ranks among regional leaders in the area of international cooperation. There are many foreign partner schools and companies which have been cooperating with us for many years in the field of internship and Erasmus programs. Therefore, our school will serve as an experienced coordinator. The economic educational branch concentrates on economic field and has several teachers of economics and marketing, has Junior Achievement companies and fictional companies.
We cooperate with local companies which take an active part in professional training of pupils. We are endowed with skillful IT teachers and also digital technology (e.g.3D printers and scanners) and 4 computer and 1 tablet laboratories. Another advantage of the school is its multilingualism – we teach 5 languages and several ot the economics teachers speak English.
The staff of the economic branch disposes of very intense collaborative spirit and a strong will to innovate their work.