In this workshop students and teachers learnt how to make 360 photos with websites with three tools
- 360 Photos Mobile Phone
- 360 Theta Camara ws
- 360 Insta One Camera ws
with the 360 Theta Camara ws , 360 Insta One Camera , we used this two cameras to show students the basics of importing them to the mobile phone and leant to create tinyplanets and 360 raw photos which can be uploaded to kuula or other platforms.
With the App Go Street View Photo Sphere we dont need no more a camara as we can use a standard mobile phone to create the photos
This workshop is part of the Promotion in motion Erasmus+ Project Mobility C3 in Torremolinos (Spain) organized by IES Playamar, has been configured as the 3rd European Congress: “Innovative methodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse” of the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871. In this congress, Teachers and students from the different schools of the Erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.
We followed the following manual developed within the materials of the project.
From this lines we want to thank all the collaborators of the project for its participation