Mobility C3 Torremolinos III European Conference: “Innovative mothodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse”
This Mobility C3 in Torremolinos (Spain) organized by IES Playamar, has been configured as the 3rd European Congress: “Innovative mothodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse” of the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871
In this congress, Teachers and students from the different schools of the Erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.
This Mobility is Planned for 30/09/2023 to 06/10/2023 in Torremolinos


Saturday-Sunday – 30/09/2023 – 01/10/2023
10:20 Reception
Students & Teachers arrive to Malaga airport in Saturday and families and IES Playamar team prepared a warm Reception for Czech (10:00 ) and Hungary 12:15 trip.
Families Convivience
Students are host in Spanish students families and during these two days guest students will learn how a typical spanish family works, learning the spanish culture and making this trip an involving experience.
Monday – 02/10/2023
8:45 Reception by school educative Authorities
Mr. Miguel L. Headmaster of the IES Playamar school, Mrs. Svatava O. Project Coordinator & Alfonso B. Spanish Erasmus Coordinator, will address some kind words inaugurating the Mobility.

Two young artist from our school put the icing on the cake to the welcome ceremony
8:45 Presents Giveaway
IES Playamar team has prepared a set of Presents for our partners . each student and teacher received a personalized mug with its name made by Spanish students, a T-shirt, a bag and other presents .
9:00 School Visit
9:30 Students funny activities
Students will prepare a set of funny activities using Spanish and Malaga typical words, Spanish food and Spanish tongue twister
10:00 Cafe Break

10:30 Etwinning Workshop
Etwining the award winning platform for the schools in Europe is a must in our project , we have been working with it since the start of the project. In this activity we will attend to several subjets such as Configure the Etwinning accounts for new students and teachers and make for them a brief a introduction. Creation of the teams of students in Etwinning and make a Configuration of Etwinning in Mobile so that students can access easily.
More info here :

11:30 Web creation with WebNode Workshop
One of the objectives of the project is to help students to develop their potential creativity using internet tools to create materials.
More info here
1:45 Lunch in Picasso Restaurant
15:00 Beach students games // volley ball tournament

The Beach Volley Ball tournament take place in the beach of the Bajondillo and we created international teams between all the Spanish, Czech and Hungarian students. We were really lucky that the weather was sunny so everything was perfect.

Tuesday – 03/10/23
8:30 – Web configuration with Web-node workshop part 2
In this part of the workshop. we finished the workshop which we started on Monday . Explaining concepts such as page template designs and the inclusion of contact forms in the webnode websites.
More info here
9:00 – Kuula 360 platform Workshop

This Kuula Workshop was one of the most important of the mobility as one of the objetives of the project is that the students can create 360 panoramas of the entreprises and upload it to a platform where they can create virtual tours. this platform is Kuula.
More info here
10:00 Cafe Break

10:30 360 Photos Creation Workshop
In this workshop students and teachers learnt how to Create 360 photos using three technologies, 2 specialized cameras and an app using the mobile phone. Later we will use this 360 photos to make promotion of the partner enterprises

12:00 Marketing using AI Workshops
AI is a new reality that we can’t deny we worked in three workshops creating materials using AI in two workshops one for music and other for images. More info about the workshops in the links

More info in these links.
13:15 Erasmus days Activity

The timing of our c3 mobility was perfect (05/10/2023) because next week was the erasmus day celebration (09-14/10/23) and we created an event to make diffusion of this important programe which has changed the life of so many persons.
14:15 Lunch in Picasso Restaurant

15:00 – 360 Tourism Marketing and Cultural heritage in Torremolinos
IES Playamar counts with an awarded Cultural heritage program in which students learnt about the history of its town and the communicate this information acting as toursitisc guides . This program was awarded last year by the autonomic
In this activity, students will create 360 photos of some of the most important cultural points of the town.
More info

21:30 Teachers Welcome dinner
Wednesday- 04/10/23

On Wednesday the erasmus team, Visit one of the most historic towns in spain and in maybe the world , the historical capital of the al-andalus, Cordoba.
First we visit Medina Azahara – Omeyan Palace which has more than 1000 years and we learnt about the history of Cordoba in its museum

After this we visited the world acclaimed Mosque cathedral of Cordoba, which could be considered one of the wonders of the antiquity if it would be a bit ancient with it forest of columns was an incredible experience for Spanish and Erasmus Students.

Finally we visit the rest of Cordoba , Monumental places like the Judery, Roman bridge students practised with the 360 camera to learn to take 360 photos

Thursday – 05/10/23

8:30 WordPress Website creation workshop
In this workshop students learnt the basis to configure a website in the WordPress framework which will be used to create the website of the enterprises
More info :
10:00 Cafe Break
10:30 WordPress Website Personalization workshop
In this the second part of the WordPress workshop, students learnt how to create post, configure the menus and the widgets of the wordpress platform.
more info here:

12:00 Trip to a local start up company that uses innovative digital technologies. Visit to Paraty
One of the Objectives of the Project was to improve the skills of the students in entrepreneurship, and to archive, this one of the goal activities of this C3 mobility was to visit an innovative Enterprise. We were really very lucky to count with the support of Paraty and its founder F. Matheis.
Visit to Malaga
Málaga is one of the jewels of the Mediterranean coast and we couldn’t let our visitor go back without a visit to Malaga. Besides, Students made practices using the 360 Insta One camera.
We visit the main spots of the town like see the Málaga Cathedral “la manquita” and learnt about its curious history , The arab palace of la Alcazaba, the liberty heroes of the Plaza de la Merced., the Central Market of Atarazanas , Malaga Roman Theatre … etc
Bus/Train to Málaga 13:06 o 13:26 + 20 min
15:00 Lunch in Malaga*
Visit Málaga, Malaga historic central market.

Aduana Museum
Ship Surprise activity : Sunset Cruise
As our guest students came from countries without Sea, The Spanish team prepared a surprise a small cruise in the Malaga bay to see the sunset from the sea ( we were really very lucky as the entreprise collaborated with a great discount). This activity was a secret for the students until we arrived to the ship so surprise was amazing. the Students really love this experience.

Train back to Torremolinos 20:50– 21:10 –– 21:30 – 22:00
Friday- 05/10/23
8:15, The City hall of Torremolinos is a collaborating partner of our project and they were really kind to lend us the Pablo Picasso cultural theatre to celebrate our final ceremony.
In the act, we celebrated several administrative acts like
- Evaluation of the mobility (qr mobile phone)
- Summary of What Left in the project
- Planning and planing of next activities
- Volleyball tournament awards ceremony

The last part of the act was the Certificates ceremony in Picasso hall with local educative authorities.

To end up the ceremony, We could count with three exceptional artists, Mr Mario and Mrs Cilla

Ceremony finished at 12:00 and spanish students came back to the schools to finish their educative day until 15:15 when they were picked up by teachers to assist the Farewell Lunch.
Cultural activity by yourself
15:00 Farewell Lunch in Ritual Restaurant
Evaluation of the C3 Mobility in Torremolinos
QR and link to the form
Result of the evaluation