Tourism Promotion: Visiting the Historical Tower is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871 .
Tourism Promotion is one of the most important areas of marketing nowadays, in this activity the personal of the town hall showed us how the convert the Historical tower and clock mechanims to an additional active to promote the tourism in the town.
This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin
This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic
One of the points from where one visitor can discover all the interenting points of novy Jivin is its Historical tower unluckily not many persons are allowed to climb there. Our students were very lucky as they could visit the Historical tower in the raftop of the city hall.
From this lines we want to thank the experts and authorities from Novy Jicin town hall for their collaboration in this formation activity.
One of the objetives of the project is to make students create presentations in prezzi about companies with two purpouses. first, improve the marketing competence in our students, and seccond help and create links of collaboration bewteen enterprises and the schools.
Following students Presented those companies.
Enterprise XXXLutz
Enterprise XXXLutz by David Papezs from BGCGZ school (Budapest)
Workshop 3D Modeling in Tinkercad is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871 .
This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin
This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic
In this activity, called “Workshop 3D Modeling in Tinkercad” profesor.B Matuss ., ICT expert of SSK Mendelova prepared a working session to teach the students the principies of 3d Modeling using the tool TinkerCad
Mr. Glogar (IT profesor of Mendelova SS) developed a workshop for the students to work with the 3D modelling platform Tinkercad . In this workshop students learnt the basics of this design platform.
One of the aims of the Promotion in Motion Project is to create tools to help small local bussines with the marketing and IT Problems.
As part of the IT Help provided to the companies our students have developed several Helpdesks solutions creating helpdesk systems that can be installed easyly . Demos installations of these software can be seen here.
From this lines we want to thanks the students in charge of the projects who are given credits and named in their projects and the teachers in charge of the develoment of these classes.
VR World Designs workshop is part of the activities for profesors/Students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871 .
This activity was developed the day 20/12/2022 by DAW students of IES Playamar using the VR Oculus quest glasses, equipment of “Aula de Emprendimiento” and was also retransmited Online to European patners.
In this activity, called “VR World Designs workshop” profesor. Alfonso Ballesteros., ICT expert of IES Playamar prepared a working session to personalize a premade virtual world and configure a new classroom which can be used by all the VR Comunity
One of the advantages of this platform is that once the VR classrooms are set are easy to enter with many platforms like VR Glasses, computers, Tablets or Mobile phones.
We worked in several concepts as
Using Educamaker to create new VR content
Creation of a new VR World using educa360
Using Oculus quest to configure VR scenes
From this lines we want to thank Mr Alfonso Ballesteros from IES Playamar school for their collaboration in this formation activity.
VR Using Educa360 to connect Erasmus+ patners is part of the activities for profesors/Students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871
In this activity, called “VR Using Educa360 to connect Erasmus+ patners” professor. Alfonso Ballesteros., ICT expert of IES Playamar prepared a Virtual world ussing the platform Educa360 to make a virtual VR meeting.
We worked in several concepts as
Setting up a classroom (VR World)
Interacting with the classroom
Configuration of the Avatar
Speaking with other participants
Inserting Models and Animations in the scene
One of the advantages of this platform is that once the VR classrooms are set are easy to enter with many platforms like VR Glasses, computers, Tablets or Mobile phones.
Using the VR Oculus quest glasses, equipment of “Aula de Emprendimiento” of the IES Playamar students and teachers entered in the classroom as our Hungarian and Czech patners entered in the classroom using the link and computers.
From this lines we want to thank Mr Alfonso Ballesteros from IES Playamar school for their collaboration in this formation activity.
3D Printing Workshop with Artillery Printer is part of the activities for profesors/Students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871
In this activity, called “VR Metaverse Introduction workshop”, VET Students of the classroom of professor. Alfonso Ballesteros., explained other students and teachers the principal concepts about Metaverse.
Using the VR Oculus quest glasses , equipment of “Aula de Emprendimiento” of the IES Playamar students and teachers entered in several vr worlds which can be considered Metaverse.
We worked in several issues as
Configuring VR Oculus Glasses
Learning to transmit from Quest glasses to the classroom
Entering Meta Horizon Worlds Metaverses
Entering Educa360 classrooms
Entering VRChat VR Worlds
From this lines we want to thank Mr Alfonso Ballesteros and the VET Students from IES Playamar school for their collaboration in this formation activity.
This project has been developed during 3 years so some Enterprises have collaborated during some time and then stopped and other have started later so there are different products for each enterprise depending of their time in the project.
This project has been developed during 3 years so some Enterprises have collaborated during some time and then stopped and other have started later so there are different products for each enterprise depending of their time in the project.
This project has been developed during 3 years so some Enterprises have collaborated during some time and then stopped and other have started later so there are different products for each enterprise depending of their time in the project.