Workshop: C3 Etwinning Workshop working with the new framework

In this workshop students and teachers learnt how to work with the new Etwinning framework which has changed significantly and make use of the forums and duscusion activities developed in our etwining project
The objetive of this workshop is to improve the capacities of the students to use this platform , which will be used by our students to communicate between them and upload the products

This workshop is part of the Promotion in motion Erasmus+ Project Mobility C3 in Torremolinos (Spain) organized by IES Playamar, has been configured as the 3rd European Congress: “Innovative methodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse” of the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871. In this congress, Teachers and students from the different schools of the Erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.

We followed the following manual developed within the materials of the project.

From this lines we want to thank all the collaborators of the project for its participation

Workshop: Edit and configure your blog and post in WordPress

In this workshop students learnt how to create and configure properly the post which form part of website in the WordPress framework.

The objetive of this workshop is to develop skills in students which will be used in the creation of the website of the enterprises

This workshop is part of the Promotion in motion Erasmus+ Project Mobility C3 in Torremolinos (Spain) organized by IES Playamar, has been configured as the 3rd European Congress: “Innovative methodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse” of the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871. In this congress, Teachers and students from the different schools of the Erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.

We followed the following manual developed within the materials of the project.

From this lines we want to thank all the collaborators of the project for its participation

Workshop: Introduction WordPress

This workshop is part of the Promotion in motion Erasmus+ Project Mobility C3 in Torremolinos (Spain) organized by IES Playamar, has been configured as the 3rd European Congress: “Innovative methodologies in Web Creation & 360 Metaverse” of the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871

In this congress, Teachers and students from the different schools of the Erasmus project participated in the following activities : cultural activities, formation sessions , exhibitions and Working Sessions.

In this workshop students learnt the basis to configure a website in the WordPress framework which will be used to create the website of the enterprises

We followed the following manual developed within the materials of the project.

From this lines we want to thank all the collaborators of the project for its participation

Manuals for 3D Design of Promotional subjects

Those manuals were created for the Workshop 3D Design of Promotional subjects is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871. In this 3d workshop students worked with thinkercad to prepare their 3d promotional object for the companies they were representing. This was the continuation of the morning thinkedcad workshop which was introductory.

Here are the materials developed by Mendelova SS School.

This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin . This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic

Cultural Promotion of Hats in Novy Jicin in the Traditional hats museum

Workshop 3D Scanning for VR & 3D Printing is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871.

This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin . This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic

Hats were the traditional industry of Novy Jicin where best of the european hats in the XIX century were fabricated. Nowadays , it´s not so important as it was but it’s a cultural refernce in the region and in this museum we learnt how this city has used this old industy as a cultural and turistic promotion.

From this lines we want to thank the experts and authorities from Novy Jicin Hats Museum for their collaboration in this formation activity.

Workshop: Applying Etwinning in classroom

Workshop: Applying Etwinning in classroom by Mr. Ballesteros González

Workshop: Applying Etwinning in classroom by Mr. Ballesteros González is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871.

In this workshop Mr Ballesteros, teached the characteristics of the etwinning platform to colleages

  • What is eTwinning?
  • New Platform ? New User?
  •  What is eTwinning Live?
  • What is Twinspaces?
  • How to participate in Twinspaces?

This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin . This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic



Modern Marketing Tools workshop

Modern marketing workshop for students by Ms. Rušarová

Ms. Rušarová , expert from Mendelova ssk showed students some information about Modern marketing tools and methodogies thorough four workshops . These workshops were developed by Ms. Rušarová in the mobility C2 in Novi Jiicin Czech Republic

01 Introduction to Marketing workshop

Document for students

Document for teachers

02 Marketing Brands Workshop

Document for students

Document for teachers

03 Marketing mix Workshop

Document for students

Document for teachers

04 SWOT analysis Workshop

Document for students

Document for teachers

Workshop 3D Printing promotional Items

Workshop 3D Scanning for VR & 3D Printing is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871.

This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin . This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic

Different 3D items

Mr. Glogar(IT profesor of Mendelova SS) developed the second part of workshop for the students to work with the 3D scanning techniques. In this workshop students learnt how to transform the 3D obj designs to curated 3d Objects with physical characteristics like filament typology, densitiy and other to be printed in a 3d printer to use them as promotional materials.

Finally some of the students who were previously scanned in 3D were printed

Workshop Professional 3d Printing Systems in Olomouc University

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Workshop 3D Scanning for VR & 3D Printing

Workshop 3D Scanning for VR & 3D Printing is part of the activities for professors & students in the Project : Promotion in Motion with code 2022-1-CZ01-KA210-000081871. This activity was developed in C2 European Conference “3D Printing for Promotion” celebrated in Czech Republic in the context of the 2º Mobility of the Project – C2 Novy Jicin . This Mobility was Planned for the week 05/06/2022. to 09-12/2023 in Nový Jičín – Czech Republic

This activitivy started with Visit to UPrint 3D Science and technology park in Olomouc where Our students could learn about the possibilities of the university of Olomouc, thanks to the expertise explanations of Prof . Ondřej Šebesta

UPrint 3D Laboratory is an initiative of the Olomouc university to develop uses fo the more innovative 3D Printing systems. Prof. Šebesta. showed us some interesting 3D printers like the big size plastic 3d printer which is similar to regular small 3d printer but used for more professional tasks and a professional scanner used to digitalize products

One of the more amazing uses of these materials was the printing of bones for backbone medical operations

The more interesting part of the workshop was the demonstration of the use of the non standard 3d Machines like the metal carbon 3d Printer and the paper 3d printer.

From this lines we want to thank the experts and authorities from Olomouc University specially to Ondřej Šebesta. , the expert in charge of the explanations for their collaboration in this formation activity.